WOD – Sat, Feb 15 “Shed”

“Shed” (Time)

10 Rounds
100 Meter Run
2 Power Cleans

30 Double Unders

MCx: 225/155
MAx: 165/115, 10 attempts
MVx: 115/75, 40 singles

GOALS + GUIDANCE: We love a 10 rounder! Run the 100 meters in :30 or less. Choose a weight for the power cleans that is HEAVY! A weight that you’re forced to take a breath before each rep, and you have to do them as singles. The dubs should take :30 or less. Use the run to “recover” before the next set of cleans and dubs. Target 17 minutes.


WOD – Fri, Feb 14 “Way Down”

“Way Down” (Time)

With a Partner
5 Rounds
30 Calorie Bike
50 Russian KB Swings
30 Toes to bar
20 Burpees

MCx: 53/35
MAx; 24 cals, 35/26, knee or pike up
MVx: 20 cals, 26/18, v-ups, in + outs

GOALS + GUIDANCE: With a partner, buddy or your valentine, share reps for every movement to complete the 5 rounds. The calorie bike will take around 2:00 to complete, target 55+ rpms. The kettlebell swings will take about :60,the toes to bar :60, and the burpees around :60. Have fun! Target 25 minutes.


WOD – Thu, Feb 13 Romanian Deadlift + Call It Love

Romanian Deadlift (RDL) (GOALS + GUIDANCE: The weight will start in the standing position, unlock your knees, and send your hips to the wall. Stop the bar below your knees at about mid shin before the weight hits the floor. Build to 7.5/10 (75%) effort for all four sets.)

“Call It Love” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

“Call it Love”
18 DB Step Overs, 20″
9 Pull Ups
Rest :30

MCx: 50/35
MAx: 35/20, 5 strict (band)
MVx; 25/15, 12 ring rows

GOALS + GUIDANCE: As fast as possible, do 18 db step up overs holding the dumbbell however […]


WOD – Wed, Feb 12 Bench + “Young + Foolish”

Bench Press (GOALS + GUIDANCE: Build to a 7.5/10 effort (could do 2 more reps at this weight) or 75% of your 1 rep max, and hold the same weight across for all four sets. Remember to always have a spotter!)

“Young + Foolish” (Checkmark)

4 x 2:00 on/1:00 off
200 Meter Run
15 Hang Power Cleans

MCx: 135/95
MAx: 150m, 115/75
MVx: 100m, 75/55

GOALS + GUIDANCE: You get a two minute window to move as fast as you can! Run the 200 meters in :60 or less (scale meters to fit the :60 time domain.) Then, choose […]


WOD – Tue, Feb 11 “Gatlauk”

“Gatlauk” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20 Wall Balls
15 Box Jumps
10 DB Snatch

MCx: 20/14, 24/20, 50/35
MAx: 14/10, 24″ step ups, 35/20
MVx: 10/6, 20″ step ups, 25/15

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Find a steady pace and hold onto it for all fifteen minutes! Do the wall balls unbroken for as long as possible, then maybe break them into 12/8 reps. The wall balls will take about :60. The box jumps will take :45-:60. Be sure to breath on the step down. Then complete each round with ten alternating dumbbell snatches (:30), and since there’s only ten, use a heavy weight! Target 5-6 rounds.
