“Dark River”
50/40 Calorie Row
40 Wall Balls
30 DB Snatch
20 Box Jump Overs, 20″
10 DB Step Up, 20″
5 Wall Walks
10 DB Step Up
20 Box Jump Overs
30 DB Snatch
40 Wall Balls
50/40 Calorie Row
Weight: 20/14, 50/35
40/30 Calorie Row
40 Wall Balls
30 DB Snatch
20 Box Step Overs, 20″
10 DB Step Up, 20″
3 Wall Walks
10 DB Step Up
20 Box Jump Overs
30 DB Snatch
40 Wall Balls
40/30 Calorie Row
Weight: 14/10, 35/20
30/20 Calorie Row
30 Wall Balls
20 DB Snatch
10 Box Step Ups, 20″
10 DB Step Up, 20″
20 Plank Taps
10 DB Step Up
10 Box Step Ups
20 DB Snatch
30 Wall Balls
30/20 Calorie Row
Weight: 10/6, 25/15
Start and end the ladder with a 50/40 cal row, which will take around 3-4 minutes. Do wall balls and db snatches in sets of 10 or more, taking quick breaks between sets. Keep a steady, continuous pace on the box jump overs (:60-:75), then use the same db for 10 total db step ups. You’ll catch your breath on the step ups, and can then bust out five quick wall walks. Try to move faster as you work your way back up the ladder. Target 25 minutes.
Courtesy of Ibex
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