THIS Saturday, October 30th, grab a buddy and get ready to throwdown! We’ll be hosting two (accessible to all) partner workouts AND a best team costume contest! The workouts will get started at 9:00a, and the social will follow at 10:30a (BYOB and brunch potluck style). There will be one class at 7:00a for anyone who isn’t able to participate at 9:00a… and everyone is welcome to join us at the social! Sign up at the front desk (both partners names and potluck contribution) by TODAY Monday, October 25th. If you need a partner, just let Mel know!
“Skull + Crossbones”
9 Jerks
15 Calorie Bike
9 Jerks
12 Calorie Bike
9 Jerks
9 Calorie Bike
The faster you move on this couplet, the more rest you earn! The jerks are slightly more than the rep scheme in the workout “DT”. You may be able to do the nine reps unbroken for the first couple rounds, however it’s ok if the reps are broken into sets of 5 and 4, or 6 and 3 reps. The calorie bike should take around :60 to complete, scale calories to meet the stimulus. Make note, your legs will feel wobbly after the bike, so move around while you rest before the next round. Target :90-2:00 per interval, and scale calories or reps if you’re over 2:30. Record all intervals.
Post Intervals to Comments.
9 Burpees
200 Meter Run
10 Rounds
:90 sprint
:90 jog