THIS Sunday, February 5th starting at 9am, Daybreak members will be participating in a friendly competition between us and CrossFit Rail Trail. We will be traveling to their box in Hudson, MA to compete in a series of workouts. Even if your not interested in competing, you and the family are welcome to come out to support your fellow athletes! We’ll try to be done by noon so as not to interfere with Super Bowl preparations.
WHEN: Sunday, February 5th from 9a to approximately 12p. Athletes check-in at 8:30a.
WHERE: CrossFit Rail Trail (157 Washington St, Hudson, MA)
BRING: Protein shakes, bananas/sweet potatoes, Fuel-for-Fires, Rx Bars, water, after workout beverages (alcoholic or non) and any post-workout snack. Pro Tip: bring a roll of TP too. 🙂
Check the Event Facebook Page for videos of standards:
(12 Minute Cap)
1 Rep Max
Power Snatch (caught above parallel)
Hang Power Clean (caught above parallel)
Clean (Squat or Power)
One athlete lifts at a time. Team picks one athlete to do only one of the three movements.
(15 Minute Cap)
45 x Sit Ups (Flutter Kick Hold)
45 x Box Jump Overs 24/20 (Dead Hang Hold)
45 x KB Swings 70/53 (KB Hold)
60 x Wall Balls (Squat Hold)
45 x KB Swings
45 x Box Jump Overs
45 x Sit Ups
One person in the lane working, one performing static hold, one resting behind line.
Reps of 45 require a 10 rep minimum per athlete. Reps of 60 require 15 rep minimum per athlete.
(6 Minute Cap with 2 minutes each station)
Row for Calories
Farmers Carry (each segment worth a point)
Each athlete works for 2 minutes then they rotate. Each athlete goes through each station only once.
Final TBD
Top 5 Teams
Team 1 | Maria | Erin | Ray |
Team 2 | Seanna | Dusty | Kevin M |
Team 3 | LIbbi | Neal | Megan |
Team 4 | Erica | Ted | Pete |
Team 5 | Lourdes | Jess F | Willis |
Team 6 | Snack | Martin | Susan C |
Team 7 | Britt | Andy Le | Jess K |
Team 8 | Brian P | Moon | Melissa |
Team 9 | Sarah M | Brian T | Nate R |
Team 10 | Todd W | Bruce | Marissa |
Team 11 | Carrie | TBD | TBD |