WOD – Sun, Mar 9

“Thx Chalk 2.0” (Time)

1 Mile Run
100 Squats
100 Burpees
100 Sit Ups
100 Lunges
1K Row

MAx: 1200m run, 80 reps, 800m row
MVx: 800m run, 60 reps, in+outs, 600m row

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Wow, this one is going to be SPICY! Run the mile at a moderate pace and keep your time to 10 minutes or less (scale to meet the time domain). For the squats, find a steady pace and pivot in a new direction every 25 reps to keep track of your reps. Complete the squats in 2 minutes or less. The burpees will take the longest time, and be the most mentally/physically challenging movement. Every ten reps face a new direction. Keep burpees under 10 minutes. Recover on the sit ups, possibly breaking them up into sets of 25 or fifty (4-5 minutes). The lunges, like the squats, will take around 2-3 minutes. Then complete the workout with a 1k row that should take 4 minutes or less (scale meters to fit the time domain). Target 30 minutes (35 min cap).