- BABY SHOWER FOR COACH LISA: EVERYONE is invited to a baby shower for the mama-to-be COACH LISA!
- WHEN: Sunday, April 2nd from 10a-11a (right after RNG)
- WHERE: At Daybreak
- WHAT: Food + Fun
- RSVP: By TOMORROW Monday, March 27th on the announcement board or by emailing Mel or Jess
- BRING: A pack of diapers (any size)
“Open 21.1”
1 Wall Walk
10 Double Unders
3 Wall Walk
30 Double Unders
6 Wall Walk
60 Double Unders
9 Wall Walk
90 Double Unders
15 Wall Walk
150 Double Unders
21 Wall Walk
210 Double Unders
1 Wall Walk
3 Attempts
3 Wall Walk
10 Attempts
6 Wall Walk
20 Attempts
9 Wall Walk
30 Attempts
15 Wall Walk
50 Attempts
21 Wall Walk
70 Attempts
1 Mod Wall Walk
10 Single Unders
3 Mod Wall Walk
30 Single Unders
6 Mod Wall Walk
60 Single Unders
9 Mod Wall Walk
90 Single Unders
15 Mod Wall Walk
150 Single Unders
21 Mod Wall Walk
210 Single Unders
This workout is all about managing your shoulders! Every wall walk will take around :05-:10 seconds per rep. Keep a steady pace for the starting sets, do not go out too hot, to avoid shoulder burn out. For the double unders, take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, and do big sets. If dubs aren’t your jam, every set of 10-20 face a new direction, pause for a couple breaths, then continue. Post Total Reps.
Post Reps to Comments. Compare Scores HERE.
1 Wall Walk
10 Jumping Jack
3 Wall Walk
30 Jumping Jack
6 Wall Walk
60 Jumping Jack
9 Wall Walk
90 Jumping Jack
15 Wall Walk
150 Jumping Jack
21 Wall Walk
210 Jumping Jack