“I Want to Break Free”
On the 3 Minute for 15 Minutes
300/250 Meter Row
20 Pistols
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
WOD Guidance & Goal:
Sprint the row and see what you have left in your legs for pistols. Alternate legs for the pistols (10 per side), then do pull ups in a big set or chip away with fast breaks. Every round will take around 2:30 to complete. Scale pistols or meters on the rower to stay under 3 minutes.
Post Intervals to Comments. Compare scores HERE.
Courtesy of Burgener Strength
1) Pause snatch balance: 10 rounds – Every 60 seconds perform:
1x snatch balance with a 3 second pause in the receiving/bottom position. Work up to a max for the day.
*Start with a snatch balance, no dip and when you fail, re-rack the weight and continue climbing up the ladder with a snatch balance.
2) Snatch: 10 rounds – Every 90 seconds, perform:
1x squat snatch (Work up to a max for the day).