Morning Classes: 8am, 9am and Intro at 10am
Holiday WOD and Social: 4pm-8pm
1st Place Team: 30-Minute Personal Training with Mel, $20 Gift Certificate to Paleo Power Meals, Quest Bar, Fuel For Fire and Kaeli-o-Kookies, Daybreak cinch bag (wha-whaaat?!?)
2nd Place Team: $20 Gift Certificate to Paleo Power Meals, Quest Bar, Fuel For Fire and Kaeli-o-Kookies, Daybreak cinch bag.
3rd Place: $15 Gift Certificate to Again Faster (AF offers CrossFit equipment such as jump rope, wrist wraps, etc.), Quest Bar, Fuel For Fire and Kaeli-o-Kookies, Daybreak cinch bag.
“Cotton-Headed Ninnymuggins”
Teams of 3 Complete:
1500 Meter Row – Each Athlete Rows 500 Meters
150 Kettlebell Swings
150 Box Jumps
150 Sit Ups
150 Pull Ups
150 Wall Balls
150 Double Unders
150 Burpees
Team 400m Run
Only one athlete works at a time!
Post Times, Team Name and Teammates to Comments.