Push Jerk: 135#, 155#, 175# (PR). failed at 185# but I’ll get it next time. felt good today – great 6am class. loved the cash out too.
Mon 03.24.2014 at 8:55am
Push Jerk: 155#, 185#, 200# (failed at 205#). Awesome work this morning.
Cash out was awesome. Still feeling it 2 hours later.
Mon 03.24.2014 at 9:11am
Push Jerk: 145#, 160#, 180#(PR). Loved this. Wish I could try again tonight! Great cash out, too! Strong showing for “Team 6am”.
Ted P.
Mon 03.24.2014 at 10:47am
Sm bar 35/35/45 working on proper form
Mon 03.24.2014 at 12:08pm
Push Jerk: 135#, 155#, 185# (went to 205# and failed – rushed it and took too big a jump. Smaller increment next time).
Mon 03.24.2014 at 7:20pm
75#, 105#, 120# (PR)
Def felt a little nauseous after the cash out…
David S
Mon 03.24.2014 at 7:44pm
Push jerk: 185#, 205#, 235#
14.4: 171
Mon 03.24.2014 at 8:53pm
Holy crap you’re getting strong
Mon 03.24.2014 at 8:11pm
Push jerk: 75#, 80#, 90#
Russ Spencer
Mon 03.24.2014 at 8:11pm
Jerks: 125#,135#, 165#
Megan B
Mon 03.24.2014 at 8:17pm
115, 135 (failed rep 3 at 145…), 165. Bummed about the 5×1 – goofed up on my first one and added too much weight (from 145 to 165). Dropped back down and got 155 and 165, then ran short of time and wasn’t strong enough mentally to get the 175 under pressure. NEXT TIME. Also: holy cash out. Legs are twitching.
Mon 03.24.2014 at 8:26pm
I think mine went 85, 105, 125. Failed at 135. Cash out looked innocent but was tough!
Jerks.. 55-65-60 Gotta love Mel’s cash out’s…. Bring on the sexy summer legs, just need a tan.
Eddie Franquiz
Mon 03.24.2014 at 9:01pm
175# 205# and maxed out at 225#
Mon 03.24.2014 at 10:33pm
195(?), 225, 250
250 is the most I’ve push jerked by 225#, and is 5# above my previous split jerk PR. Funny what happens when u forget your journal at home.
Great work 6:30!
Push Jerk: 135#, 155#, 175# (PR). failed at 185# but I’ll get it next time. felt good today – great 6am class. loved the cash out too.
Push Jerk: 155#, 185#, 200# (failed at 205#). Awesome work this morning.
Cash out was awesome. Still feeling it 2 hours later.
Push Jerk: 145#, 160#, 180#(PR). Loved this. Wish I could try again tonight! Great cash out, too! Strong showing for “Team 6am”.
Sm bar 35/35/45 working on proper form
Push Jerk: 135#, 155#, 185# (went to 205# and failed – rushed it and took too big a jump. Smaller increment next time).
75#, 105#, 120# (PR)
Def felt a little nauseous after the cash out…
Push jerk: 185#, 205#, 235#
14.4: 171
Holy crap you’re getting strong
Push jerk: 75#, 80#, 90#
Jerks: 125#,135#, 165#
115, 135 (failed rep 3 at 145…), 165. Bummed about the 5×1 – goofed up on my first one and added too much weight (from 145 to 165). Dropped back down and got 155 and 165, then ran short of time and wasn’t strong enough mentally to get the 175 under pressure. NEXT TIME. Also: holy cash out. Legs are twitching.
I think mine went 85, 105, 125. Failed at 135. Cash out looked innocent but was tough!
Big lifts today Daybreakers, great job!!
Jerks.. 55-65-60 Gotta love Mel’s cash out’s…. Bring on the sexy summer legs, just need a tan.
175# 205# and maxed out at 225#
195(?), 225, 250
250 is the most I’ve push jerked by 225#, and is 5# above my previous split jerk PR. Funny what happens when u forget your journal at home.
Great work 6:30!