WOD – Sat, Mar 15

Front Rack Lunge (GOALS + GUIDANCE: Maintain the same 8/10 effort for all three sets of 7 reps on your left side, and 7 reps on your right side (do not alternate legs.))

“Times Like These” (Time)

10 Rounds
3 Wall Walks
20 Sit Ups

MAx: 2 wall walks
MVx; 20 plank taps, 15 sit ups

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Even if wall walks are your arch-nemesis try to do a variation of the movement. Try doing less reps with full range of motion, or do the three reps moving your hands only one to two steps. The wall walks will take :60 or less every round. Then, catch your breath or make up time on the sit ups (:30 or less). Target 15 minutes.