WOD – Wed, Mar 12
Push Press (GOALS + GUIDANCE: Coaches will help you build to a 8/10 effort or 80% of your 1 rep max, which you’ll hold for all four sets. Remember for the push press, after the initial dip drive, there is NO redip of your legs at the end.)
“Generation” (Time)
4 Rounds
10 Cal Bike
15 Push Ups
10 Cal Bike
15 Squats
Rest 1 Minute
MAx: 8 cals, knee push ups
MVx: 6 cals, 10 knee push ups, 10 squats
GOALS + GUIDANCE: Treat this workout like a sprint. Complete the calorie bike in :45 or less, then do as many push ups as possible into the set of 15 reps before taking a break. Finish the push ups and complete the calorie bike in :45 or less again, before going all out on the 15 squats. Take one minute of rest between rounds, and record your total time. Target 13-15 minutes (17 min cap.)