WOD – Wed, Mar 5
“The Score…kinda” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
300 Meter Run
150 Meter Farmer Carry
30 Sit Ups
MCx: 53/35
MAx: 35/26
MVx: 200m run, 100m fc 26/18, 20 sit up
GOALS + GUIDANCE: We love a farmer’s carry!! When you see AMRAP, take the opportunity to work on something new, challenge yourself with heavier weights, or a new skill. Today, you could run the 300 instead of defaulting to the 200, or choose a heavier weight for the carry. No matter what you do, the workout is over in 15 minutes! Run the 300 in about :90, then immediately pick up two kettlebells for the farmer’s carry. The carry should feel light and you should be able to go 150 meter unbroken for at least the first few rounds. Use the sit ups to recover. Target 4-5 rounds.