“OMG” (Time)
With a Partner
2k Row
100 Burpee Pull Ups
100 Burpee Box Jumps, 20″
2k Row
MAx: 1600m, 80 burpee pull up, 80 burpee step up 24″
MVx; 1000m, 60 burpee + ring rows, 60 burpee step up 20″
GOALS + GUIDANCE: SWEAT-SESH! With your partner, switch every 500 meters to complete the 2k row. You will be capped at 10 minutes for each 2k row. Then for the burpees pull ups (and the burpee box jumps) break however you’d like. Coaches will suggest you break them into smaller sets (like 3 or 5) to keep the cycle time fast and transitions faster. Spend no more than 10 minutes on the burpee pull ups and no more than 8 minutes on the burpee box jumps. Target 35 minutes (40 minute cap.)