WOD – Wed, Jan 8 Front Rack Lunge + “Clear Skies”
Front Rack Lunge (3 x 10/10, across
GOALS + GUIDANCE: Even though we are lifting, expect to get a cardiovascular response these lunges. You’ll maintain the same 6/10 effort for all three sets of 10 reps on your left side, and 10 reps on your right side (do not altern)
“Clear Skies: (7 Rounds for reps)
7 x on the 3 Minute
15 Calorie Row
15 Burpees
MAx: 12 cals/12 reps
MVx: 9 cals, 9 reps
WOD GOALS + GUIDANCE: This row/burpee combo should look familiar (“Turbulence”) However, this time the both movements aren’t confined to a minute! Instead, complete both movements as fast as possible in the three minute period. Your goal is to complete both in about 2:00 (give or take :15.) Record your interval times.