- Thanksgiving Schedule HERE
5-3-3-2, build
5-3-3-2, build
4 Rounds
10 Dips
10 Bent Over Rows
10 Slam Ball Side Toss
Heavy Sled Push + Pull
4 Rounds
10 Dips
10 Bent Over Rows
10 Slam Ball Side Toss
Heavy Sled Push + Pull
Heavy day! Work up to an 8/10 effort for the first working set of five reps, then build in weight for the remaining sets. Every rep should feel SPICY, without your form breaking down, and should require two minutes of rest between sets. Record your heaviest weight.
Then, for QUALITY, complete the four rounder. Start with dips of your choice; bench or rings. Work on range or motion, even if it means you’re doing sets of two. The bent over rows are with TWO dumbbells. Try increasing your weight each round. The slam ball side tosses are at a wall with the heavier “dead” medballs. You do not need to catch these off the wall. Complete each round with a heavy sled push down the turf, and then pull it back. One sled will have four 45 pound plates on it, and the other will have three plates. Have fun!
Post Weight to Comments. Compare Scores HERE.