Power Cleans
3×5, building
Front Rack Lunge
3×6, building
3×6, building
For the power cleans, coaches will take you through a progression to help you with the mechanics/technique. You’ll then build to a 7/10 effort for the set of five reps. The reps must be touch and go, and unbroken. You’ll then add a little more weight, only if your mechanics are spot on, for the next set of five. Take 2 minutes between lifts. You’ll then end with a set of five that feels like a 8.5/10 effort for the two reps. Record your weights.
Then, Even though we are lifting, expect to get a cardiovascular response from the six alternating lunges. For your initial set, the weight should start to slow you down at rep three. For the second set, ideally add weight, and your tempo should slow around rep two. And for the final set, your overall pace will be slower than the previous, and every lunge will feel like WORK! Record your heaviest successful set.