Every Friday during the summer will be a “Spirit Day.” If you’d like to participate, have your gym attire reflect that day’s theme. Last year was a blast! You’ll see a few themes repeated, and some really great new ones!
TOMORROW Fri 7/26 – School Spirit
Fri 8/2 – The Uniform (all black)
Fri 8/9 – Country vs. Country Club
Fri 8/2 – The Uniform (all black)
Fri 8/9 – Country vs. Country Club
Fri 8/16 – Version of Your Former Self
Fri 8/23 – Monochromatic Color Blocking
Fri 8/30 – Barbie
5-3-3-2, build
5-3-3-2, build
Weighted Pull Ups
5×5, build
5×5, build
Weighted Hip Thrusts
3×8 with 2 pulses, build
3×8 with 2 pulses, build
5-3-3-2, build
5-3-3-2, build
Strict Pull Ups
5×5, build
5×5, build
Weighted Hip Thrusts
3×8 with 2 pulses, build
3×8 with 2 pulses, build
5-3-3-2, build
5-3-3-2, build
Banded Pull Ups
5×5, build
5×5, build
Weighted Hip Thrusts
3×8 with 2 pulses, build
3×8 with 2 pulses, build
HEAVY DAY!! For the PRESS, Coaches will help you work up to a 8.5/10 effort for your first set of five reps. Increase your weight by 3-5# each set, as the reps decrease. Ideally you’ll complete the set of 2 reps at 9-9.5/10 effort. Remember to keep your legs locked and no arching backward. Take at least two minutes between sets so your arms are completely recovered!
For the PULL UPS, start with a weight (db between your feet or legs) that only the last rep feels spicy. Each set (ideally) SLIGHTLY increase the weight without having to break (put your feet on the ground) the sets of five. Record your heaviest successful set.
And for the HIP THRUSTS, you’ll have your back on a bench, and butt seated on the floor. A barbell will be across your hips (with a barbell pad) and you’ll use your glutes to lift your hips parallel with the floor. You’ll build up to a moderately heavy weight (take 2-3 warm up sets) to get to your first working set of eight reps. At the top of every rep you’ll do two pulses (mini thrusts) before lowering your hips back down to the floor. Ideally build in weight for the next two sets. Record your last weight.