“Right Behind Ya”
150 Double Unders
125 Sit Ups
100 Step Ups
75 Deadlifts
50 Burpees
25 KB Swings
Height: 24/20
Weights: 115/75, 70/53
50 Attempts
125 Sit Ups
100 Step Ups
75 Deadlifts
50 Burpees
25 KB Swings
Height: 20
Weights: 95/65, 53/35
150 Single Unders
100 Sit Ups
75 Step Ups
50 Deadlifts
30 In+Outs
25 KB Swings
Height: 20
Weights: 75/55, 35/26
Thank you CrossFit for this little diddy! Spend no more than three and a half minutes on the jump rope. Purposefully break the 150 into three sets of fifty reps. Recover on the sit ups, by doing two sets of fifty reps, then a set of twenty five, with brief breaks between sets. Then, with NO weight, complete 100 step ups using a new corner of the box every set of twenty five reps so you don’t lose count. Spend five minutes on the step ups. Choose a light weight for the deadlifts. A weight that you can easily do for twenty-five reps on the first set (and then may have to break into 10-15 reps at a time.) Find a moderate pace on the burpees, facing a new direction every set of ten reps so you don’t lose count and stay motivated. Then complete the chipper with twenty five kb swings unbroken or in two sets. Target 20 minutes.
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