APRIL BREAK: Monday 4/15 – Friday 4/19
- TODAY Wed 4/17 -No Teens
- TOMORROW Thu 4/18 – No Noon
“Partner Row”
with a buddy complete
6-12-18-24-30-36-42-48-54-60 Cal Row
with a buddy complete
6-12-18-24-30-36-42-48-54-60 Cal Row
with a buddy complete
4-8-12-16-20-24-28-32-36- 40
You and your buddy will BOTH complete each set of calories and record your total time as a pair (p1: 6 cals and p2: 6 cals, then move to 12 calories, etc.) The time domains will get longer each round, and you will get ample rest so make sure you push your pace on the rower! Keep transitions FAST! Adjust the cals (MCx, MAx, MVx) so that you and your partner can complete the workout in 40 minutes.
Post Total Time to Comments. Compare Scores HERE (last time you split the cals)