- Summer Spirit TODAY 7/28: The Uniform! Wear a black top and black bottoms
“Sov Gott”
5 Rounds
50 Double Unders
10 Man Makers
50′ 1-Arm Overhead Lunge
Weight: 50/35
5 Rounds
15 Attempts
10 Man Makers
50′ 1-Arm Overhead Lunge
Weight: 35/20
5 Rounds
75 Single Unders
10 Man Makers
50′ 1-Arm Front Rack Lunge
Weight: 25/15
Yup, Man-Makers! Start each round with 50 dubs, taking no more than :90 on this exercise. Choose a weight for the man-makers that you can cycle for half of the reps before having to break. The man-maker is a dumbbell push up, row, row, deadlift, and hang squat clean thruster. Yes, all of that is equal to one rep. Choose your weights wisely. The overhead lunge is with one arm for 25′, then switch arms the remaining 25′. Each round will take 4-5 minutes. Target 25 minutes.
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