- Summer Spirit Friday 7/14: Color Blocking!! Wear two different shades of the same color
With a Partner
10 Rounds Each
5 Chest to Bars
20m Farmer’s Carry
5 Handstand Push Ups
20m Front Rack Lunge
Weight: 50/35
With a Partner
10 Rounds Each
5 Pull Ups
20m Farmer’s Carry
5 Abmat Handstand Push Ups
20m Front Rack Lunge
Weight: 35/20
With a Partner
10 Rounds Each
5 Upright Ring Rows
20m Farmer’s Carry
5 Bench Push Ups
20m Front Rack Lunge
Weight: 25/15
Partner WOD! With a buddy, alternate full rounds, to complete 10 rounds EACH of this fun little chipper! Keep pull ups and handstand push ups consecutive (scale number or the actual movement) in order to keep the rounds moving. Choose a dumbbell weight for the farmer’s carry and lunges that you can complete 20 meters unbroken every round. Every round will take about :60 per, so for a grand total target 22-25 minutes.
Inspired by Wanderlust
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