- TODAY: Regular Schedule
- TOMORROW: Closed
“Peace Out 2022”
600 Meter Run
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
600 Meter Run
31 Snatch
600 Meter Run
22 Overhead Lunges
600 Meter Run
Weight: 135/95
600 Meter Run
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
600 Meter Run
31 Snatch
600 Meter Run
22 Overhead Lunges
600 Meter Run
Weight: 115/75
300 Meter Run
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
600 Meter Run
31 Snatch
300 Meter Run
22 Front Rack Lunges
300 Meter Run
Weight: 75/55
PEACE OUT!!! Run at your 5k pace with the intent to finish each 600 in less than three minutes. The sdhps are at a heavier weight, break them into two sets of six reps. Choose a weight for the snatches and lunges that’s moderately heavy. Break snatches into sets of 3-5, and lunges into 12-10. Target 17 minutes.
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