SUNDAY 7/31: Rise-N-Grind will be at the Wayland High School Track at the usual time 8:30a. See you there!
“Winner Takes All”
With a Partner
150 Box Jumps
100 Push Ups
200 Sit Ups
100 Push Ups
150 Box Jumps
Height: 24/20
With a Partner
150 Box Jumps
100 Push Ups to Box
200 Sit Ups
100 Push Ups to Box
150 Box Jumps
Height: 20″
With a Partner
100 Step Ups
75 Knee Push Ups
150 Sit Ups
75 Knee Push Ups
100 Step Ups
Height: 24/20
Grab a buddy and get after it! Chip away in sets of 10-15 box jumps keeping transitions quick. Chip away at 5-10 push ups switching as soon as you or your partner slows down (do not go to failure!) Then break the sit ups into fast sets of 20 reps. If you start to slow down, switch to sets of 10 reps. On the way back up the ladder, try to move faster and keep the same sets. Target 20 minutes.
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With a Partner
150 Box Jumps
100 Push Ups
200 Sit Ups
100 Push Ups
150 Box Jumps