- OCTOBER CLINIC: Martha Theirl, DPT, will be here Friday, October 1st from 6-6:45p, teaching us how to create mobility and stability in overhead positions! Sign up at the front desk before Thursday, September 30th.
“Champagne Poetry”
40 DB Shoulder to Overhead
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
60 Sit Ups
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
40 DB Hang Power Cleans
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Weight: 50/35
40 DB Shoulder to Overhead
20 Pull Ups
60 Sit Ups
20 Pull Ups
40 DB Hang Power Cleans
20 Pull Ups
Weight: 35/20
30 DB Shoulder to Overhead
20 Ring Row
40 Sit Ups
20 Ring Row
30 DB Hang Power Cleans
20 Ring Row
Weight: 25/15
Dumbbells!! Choose a weight for the shoulder to overhead (press, push press or push jerk), and the hang power cleans that you can cycle for at least 5 reps before having to rest. Purposefully, break both dumbbell movements in sets of 5-10 reps to save your shoulders for the chest to bars. Chest to bars (or YOUR upper body pulling movement) either do in big sets (10 reps) or chip away in 3-5. Spend no more than :90-2:00 on any of the movements. The sit ups, move quickly and throw your arms forward to make up time for other movements. Try to go unbroken. For the entire workout, target sub 15 minutes.
Courtesy of IBEX
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Daybreak Foundations is designed to augment our daily workouts and should be performed in succession over the course of 8 weeks. Ideally, these can be completed after your daily workout in the gym or at home. If you have any questions about how to incorporate our Foundations program into your routine, please reach out to Mel or email us at [email protected].
WEEK 6 of 8
Front Squat
4×6 at 65%
2 Position Snatch
on the :90 x 10
*1 from the high hang + 1 from below the knee
Weighted Plank
accumulate 3 min
2 Position Squat Clean
on the 2 min x 10
*above the knee + floor
**build every set