- FRI WOD Recording
- The CrossFit Games 2020 Open: Details HERE
“Radio Station”
50 Sit Ups
40 Toes to Bar
30 Hollow Rocks
20 Pull Ups
10 Strict Pull Ups
5 Bar Muscle Ups
Rest 5 Minutes
5 Bar Muscle Ups
10 Strict Pull Ups
20 Pull Ups
30 Hollow Rocks
40 Toes to Bar
50 Sit Ups
50 Sit Ups
40 Knee Ups
30 Tuck Rocks
10 Pull Ups
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Chest to Bar
Rest 5 Minutes
5 Chest to Bar
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Pull Ups
30 Tuck Rocks
40 Toes to Bar
50 Sit Ups
40 Sit Ups
30 Leg Lift
20 Tuck Rocks
20 Ring Rows
10 DB Bent Over Row
5 Banded Pull Ups
Rest 5 Minutes
5 Banded Pull Ups
10 DB Bent Over Row
20 Ring Row
20 Tuck Rocks
30 Knee Ups
40 Sit Ups
Abs and Arms! For the first half of this workout the movements get progressively harder. Do one consecutive set of sit ups, chip away at toes to bar, hollow rocks, and pull ups in sets of 5-10. The strict pull ups can be done in sets of 2 or even singles, same with the bar muscle ups. After the 5 minute rest, the movements get progressively easier. Break movements into the same sets and push your pace on the last set of sit ups. Target 25 minutes (including rest).
Inspired by CFM
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50 Sit Ups
40 Leg Lifts
30 Hollow Rocks
20 Push Ups
10 Burpees
5 Sit to Stands
Rest 5 Minutes
5 Sit to Stands
10 Burpees
20 Push Ups
30 Hollow Rocks
40 Leg Lifts
50 Sit Ups