- MON WOD Recording: Here
- WELLNESS CHALLENGE started Yesterday!! There’s still time to register. All the details can be found HERE, and the zoom info session can be found HERE
- Mon – Indoor
- Tue – Indoor
- Wed – Outdoor
- Thu – Outdoor
- Fri – Indoor
- Sat + Sun – INDOOR
- SATURDAY 10/31: Is HALLOWEEN!! Wear a workout friendly costume to class!
“MIC Drop”
Hang Power Clean
5×3, building
5×3, building
3 Rounds
500 Meter Row
15 Hang Power Cleans
21 Box Jumps
500 Meter Row
15 Hang Power Cleans
21 Box Jumps
Weight: 135/95
Height: 24/20
Height: 24/20
Hang Power Clean
5×3, building
5×3, building
3 Rounds
500 Meter Row
15 Hang Power Cleans
21 Step Ups
500 Meter Row
15 Hang Power Cleans
21 Step Ups
Weight: 95/65
Height: 24/20
Height: 24/20
Hang Power Clean
5×3, building
5×3, building
3 Rounds
300 Meter Row
15 Hang Power Cleans
21 Step Up
300 Meter Row
15 Hang Power Cleans
21 Step Up
Weight: 75/55
Height: 20
Height: 20
For the hang power cleans, coaches will help you build to 65% of your 1 rep max and then build by 5% for the remaining sets. For the metcon, the row will take right around 2 minutes, then break hang power cleans into 10/5 or 6/5/4. Fresh, you should be able to cycle through 7 reps unbroken. Use the box jump step down, to catch your breath. Target 15 minutes.
Post Weight + Time to Comments.
3 Rounds
60 Jumping Jacks
30 In + Outs
60 Step Ups