FRI WOD Recording: Soggy Dollar
FRI Core + Mobility:
2 Rounds of AMRAP 5
20 V Ups
20 Commanders
20 Sit Up With Twist
20 Mountain Climbers
Rest 1 Min Between AMRAPS
“Young + Alive”
4 Flights of Stairs With Dumbbell
100 Squats
4 Flights of Stairs
75 Bicycle Sit Ups
4 Flights of Stairs
50 Push Ups
4 Flights of Stairs
25 Bent Over Rows
4 Flights of Stairs
WOD Guidance & Goals:
With a weight, climb 4 flights of stairs (1 flight = up and down) OR do 50 jumping jacks. Do the 100 squats unbroken at a steady pace (about 3 minutes). The 75 bicycles sit ups are per side (150 total). Do push ups in sets of 3-5 with quick break between sets. The bent over rows are with 1 db/kb/bb held with both hands. You could also do pull ups instead of bent over rows. Target 15 minutes.
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Burgener Strength
1: Clean deadlift: Work up to a 10 RM in as few sets as possible. Then 10 reps @ 95% 10RM, 10 reps @ 90% 10RM.
2: Romanian deadlift: 3 sets x 10 reps within 90% of 10 RM