MON WOD Recording: Toosie Slide
MON Core+Mobility: Here
“Mount St. Helen”
5 Rounds of “Cindy”
15 Dumbbell Cleans
4 Rounds of “Cindy”
12 Dumbbell Cleans
3 Rounds of “Cindy”
9 Dumbbell Cleans
2 Rounds of “Cindy”
Note: 1 Round of “Cindy” = 5 pull ups/10 push ups/15 squats
WOD Guidance & Goals:
Try to complete 1 round of “Cindy” under 1 minute. Scaling options for pull ups include; 5 db row, ring or table row. The db cleans are 15/12/9 reps per side. Do all 15 reps on one side then switch to the other side. Suggested weight is 50/35. Target 15 minutes.
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Burgener Strength
1) Hang snatch: Work up to a 5 RM. Then 5 reps @ 95% 5RM, 5 reps @ 90% 5RM.
2) Push press: Work up to a 10 RM. Then 10 reps @ 95% 10RM, 10 reps @ 90% 10RM.
3) Barbell bent over rows: Work up to a 10 RM. Then 10 reps @ 95% 10RM, 10 reps @ 90% 10RM.
4) Romanian Deadlift: Work up to a 10 RM. Then 10 reps @ 95% 10RM, 10 reps @ 90% 10RM.