TUE TOPICS Q&A: Intermittent Fasting
TUE WOD Recording: Fast Cars
TUE KIDS Recording: Here
- CrossFit — This is what you know and love! We will make these classes as home-friendly as possible by using little (maybe a dumbbell or kettlebell) to no equipment.
- Core/Abs — We’ll target all areas of your midline: abs, obliques, transverses, spinal erectors… if it’s in your midline, we’ll hit ’em!
- Mobility — We’ll stretch, roll, and lax ball to help you stay limber and flexible.
- Topics Q&A — This is an interactive session with members to ask questions about nutrition, training, fitness, and any other aspect of your health and well-being that is impacted by our “quarantined” way of life.
- Kids — We’re here to give you a little bit of relief by providing a workout designed for kids under 10. We’ll dance, jump, hop, squat and burpee to name a few!
400 Meter Run
10 1-Arm Dumbbell Deadlifts per side
400 Meter Run
20 Sit to Stands Over the Dumbbell
800 Meter Run
WOD Guidance & Goals:
Write this one down!! Every couplet you should complete under the time allotment. If you find you have less than :15 to recover before the next couplet, cut down the runs.
Flow+Scale… From 3,2,1 GO to the 3 minute mark you will run 200 meter (:30 out and back or 4 flights of stairs) then complete 5 1-arm dumbbell thrusters per side. When you finish your last thruster write down your time! You should have around one minute to rest before the next couplet. At minute three begin the next couplet with 1-arm thrusters (10 per side) then a 400 meter run (:60 out and back or 8 flights of stairs). Again try to complete the work within the time frame and have about a minute of rest before the next couplet. At minute seven, run 200 meters but now complete ten 1-arm dumbbell deadlifts (all 10 on the right then the left) to complete the couplet. At minute ten, do 15 1-arm deadlifts per side then run 400 meters. At minute fourteen, run 600 meters (:90 out and back or 12 flights of stairs) then do 20 sit to stands over your dumbbell. Scaling for sit to stand is 20 hollow rocks then 20 lateral jumps over your dumbbell. At minute eighteen, back to ten 1-arm thrusters per side and a 800 meter run (2 min out and back or 16 flights of stairs).
Weight…suggested 50/35
Post Times to Comments.
8 x 200m, :60 rest
3 min rest
8 x 100m, :30 rest
Burgener Strength
1) Back squat: 60%x5 reps, 70%x5 reps, 75%x 5 reps x 2 sets.
*Rest 10 minutes, then:
2) Front squat: 60%x5 reps, 70%x5 reps, 75%x 5 reps.