- BARBELL (Acton Only)
- STARTING THIS SATURDAY 6/15 Barbell will now be at 8am between our regularly scheduled classes!
- Wednesday nights starting 6/19 Greg will be coaching Barbell Club
- For our Wayland location, the last day of RNG for the summer will be THIS SUNDAY 6/16. Acton will continue RNG through June (Wayland welcome to attend!). For the month of July there will be no RNG at either gym. In August, RNG will resume in Acton. Again, Wayland will be welcome to attend RNG in Acton.
- Monday June 17 through Wednesday June 26th. Sign up at front desk by Monday 6/17.
- 10 Days of no sugar, alcohol or processed foods (anything in a package with ingredients that do not come from nature)
- $10 Entry fee. All money is divided amongst the winners!
- You either adhere to the challenge and earn a “YES” or you don’t have get a “NO”. Yes and No scores, are recorded on the designated whiteboards
- There are no Teen classes for July and August. The last day of classes will be Thursday 6/27
Push Press
5×3, across
4 Rounds
40 Meter Sled Push (180/135)
1 Minute L-Sit
WOD Guidance & Goals:
For the push press, coaches will help you work up to 85% of your 1 rep max which you will hold across for all 5 sets. The sled/midline is a little cash out to fire up the lungs and work on those beach abs!
Post Weight + Time to Comments.
5 Rounds
3 minutes on/ 2 min easy