- THE OPEN: D0-overs or make ups, can be done THIS SUNDAY at 8am at our ACTON location. There will be RNG at our WAYLAND location at 8am
5 Rounds:
10 Calorie Row
15 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
20 Meter Handstand Walk
30 Sit Ups
WOD Guidance & Goal: Push your pace! Women try to hold 1000+ cal/hour, and men try to hold 1300+ cal/hour. For kettlebell swings choose a weight you can do all 15 swings unbroken for the first rounds and then 10/5 for remaining rounds. Handstand walks, aim for large distances or chip away. Scaling options are shoulder taps or wall walks. Target 17 minutes.
Post Time to Comments. Compare scores HERE.
3 sets: 1 mile (equal work:rest)