- TODAY: Regular Class Schedule (No teens, open gym or barbell)
- TOMORROW: Regular Class Schedule (No open gym)
10 Cleans (225/155)
20 Deficit Handstand Push Ups (10/5)
30 Bar Muscle Ups
40 Deadlifts (225/155)
50 Wall Balls (20/14)(10/9)
WOD Guidance & Goal: Cleans should be done as single reps so choose a heavy weight (80% 1 rep max). Handstand push ups are done on plates (two 45# plates for men and 1 for women) and are kipping. Scaling options: kipping or strict to the floor or abmats, and bench. Keep moving through the bar muscle ups. Do fast singles or big sets with minimal rest. Scale to chest to bar pull ups, chin over bar pull ups, or strict pull ups. Deadlift weight is the same as your clean. The weight should feel light and you should be able to get a set of 15-20. Wall balls are the last movement so get after them! Go for big sets.
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