Social at DCF North: This Friday 10/12, we’re inviting ALL Daybreak members (both Wayland AND Acton) to WOD and/or socialize post workout at our Acton location. WOD heats will start at 5pm on a first come first serve basis, and will run every 10 minutes until 6:30p. If you can’t make the workout, no problem! Come join the fun at 6:30p. There will be smoked meats, healthy sides and dessert. BYOB! To give us an idea of how much food to prepare please sign up at the front desk.
30 Toes to Bar
40 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)
50 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (24/20)(50/35)
30 Toes to Bar
WOD Guidance & Goal: To manage grip, do smaller sets of toe to bar with short breaks. Move through snatches at a steady rhythm with quick breaks every 10 reps to manage grip and breath. Step overs, break every 5-10 reps. Target sub 20 minutes.
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20 x 2 min moderate/1 min easy