I’m from Framingham, I’ve lived here my whole life. I live with my hunky boyfriend Martin, aka Jack aka Snack aka Snacky buns. Together we have 3 dogs, an English mastiff named Brisket, a lumpy beagle named Maggie and Sadie a not so lumpy cockerspaniel. We also recently discovered a new tenant spider living on our porch that we will pay fresh cash to have inhumanly removed. I went to Suffolk University where I graduated with a degree in psychology and worked as a social worker for 5 years. I decided to change careers and now I’m an EMT for a private ambulance company called Eascare and I also work for Holliston Fire. I’ve been doing Crossfit since Daybreak starting recruiting parking lot members which I have no idea how long ago that was. 5? I don’t have a normal class time, with the exception that I will probably never be at 5:30am willingly.
1- What keeps you coming back to CrossFit each day?
What keeps me coming back to daybreak is the fact that I keep drinking beer and I don’t want to get fat. In reality I had no idea when I started at daybreak my entire life would change. I’ve made so many friends from all different walks of life simply because of Crossfit. The coaching and support is unmatched.
2- You are known for your tattoos at the gym. Which is your favorite and why? What does it represent to you?
My favorite tattoo is probably a quote I have. It says “choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance the tides”. #1 it’s a Garth Brooks song so like original country gangster in the house. #2 it reminds me of my Dad. #3 it reminds me to always go for it. Life’s too short to be miserable.
3- Halloween is coming up. What is the best costume you wore as a child (or an adult)?
My best Halloween costume was probably the first 10 years of my life when I went as the same dog every single year.
4- What inspired your recent career change? Tell us about your new job. Is it something you always wanted to do?
My career change was inspired by the fact that I was unhappy. As Jack would say “drive fast, take chances” (just kidding don’t drive fast) but definitely take chances. I helped him quit his job and undertake life as a small business owner and after I saw how happy he was I knew it was my turn. I worked managing group homes for developmentally disabled adults to then working as a case manager for case loads of up to 70 disabled adults at a time. To say it’s mentally draining is an understatement. I’m working as an EMT to hopefully get on the fire department in my town as an end goal. It’s not something I always wanted to do but now that I’m doing it, I love it.
5- What’s your spirit animal (an animal that represents you)?
My spirit animal is definitely a cow. Probably a clumsy cow at that. My parents always say I’m like a bull in a china shop.