How to Pursue Better:
Post Your Scores. The whiteboard and website are where we record, measure and celebrate our progress. We’ve heard members often say, “What weight did I do last time?” or “What was my time?” Well, if you post your score to our website, you’ll have an online digital journal! Each time we repeat a workout, we’ll always link back to the page when we did it last… where you’re score is (should be) posted.
To post your score, just click on “Web Log In” under “Member Quick Links” section at the upper right of this page. Then click register (if you’re new) or log-in (if you’re not). It’s that easy!
“Count on You”
4 Rounds:
15 Calorie Row
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
15 Burpees to a Plate
Post Time to Comments.
2 squat cleans + 1 split jerk
build to heaviest
Clean Pulls
5×3 reps at 110% of successful complex