- WEEKDAY OPEN GYM: Hours have changed from 2:30-4:30 to 3:30-5:30p Mon-Fri. Effective immediately.
- THE OPEN: Have you joined the Daybreak team for The Open?!? Click HERE to read more about the Open and why we encourage ALL members to sign up.
- Daybreakers compete tomorrow at CrossFit Iron Spider. The fun starts at 9a. Come show your support!
5 Rounds:
4 Overhead Walking Lunge Steps (95/65)
8 Back Squats (95/65)
12 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
200 Meter Row
Rest 3 Minutes
Post Intervals to Comments.
Compare Scores HERE
Deficit snatch pulls (standing on a 2” block)
5 @90%
4 @95%
3 @100%
Halting Deadlifts:
5 x 5 reps
Take bar from floor to launch position and hold for 6 seconds. After each rep of holding take bar to high hang….reset from the high hang and take to hang. Only the first rep is from floor.
2 Rounds:
4x400m w/ equal rest between sets
5x:10 sprints, 1 min rest between