While not everyone will respond in the same way to every diet, there IS a way to eat well no matter what your budget, lifestyle or family/work demands. So, where do you start? QUALITY Whole Foods – found on the perimeter of grocery store in fridges, non-processed, very few ingredients (or those that can be pronounced and are recognizable as food), no label at all, looks like it did in nature. Easiest way to make sure you’re buying Whole Foods? Processing – what’s the big deal? THE BASICS: What should we eat? So what’s next? QUANTITY This is an INDIVIDUAL challenge. You will get points each day for adherence to your changes. Each participant will record a score on the back whiteboard. Each week your potential for points increases. Week 1: 1st change + Row cumulative 10K AN EXAMPLE OF GOOD, YET BALANCED NUTRITION “CHANGES” Online Recipes Books Other Resources WHEN
Scoring: 1 point each day plus a bonus point on last day of the week for completing row
Week 2: 2nd change (+ maintain 1st) + 350 cumulative burpees
Scoring: 2 points/day. Plus 1 for completing burpees
Week 3: 3rd change (+ maintain 1st & 2nd) + 500 cumulative sit ups
Scoring: 3 points/day. Plus 1 for completing sit ups
Week 4: 4th change (maintain 1st, 2nd & 3rd) + 100 cumulative plate pushes (25 lb plate for 1 length of turf)
Scoring: 4 points/day. Plus 1 for completing plate pushes
Week 1 – 2 Meals include vegetables
Week 2 – Keep veggies add 60oz water/day
Week 3 – Keep veggies, water, add no sugar
Week 4 – Keep veggies, water, no sugar and add no wine except Fri OR SatRESOURCES
www.runonveg.com – Vegetarian
www.balancedbites.com – (don’t agree with their food pyramid. Veggies should be base)
Against All Grain
It Starts With Food
Juli Bauer’s Paleo Cookbook
The Paleo Kitchen
In Defense of Food
http://whole30.com/blog/ – shopping lists, eyeball portion chart, recipes
www.thepaleodiet.com – everything you need to know about paleo
www.paleoleap.com – brief overview of paleo/healthy eating including recipes
http://library.crossfit.com/free/pdf/cfjissue21_May04.pdf – Quantity Meal Plans
www.journal.crossfit.com – Categories: Nutrition
In Defense of Food – iTunes PBS documentary