WOD – Sat, Mar 22
“Plutonic” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
200 Meter Run
20 Hand-Release Push Ups
20 Pull Ups
20 KB Swings
50 Sit Ups
MCx: 70/53
MAx: 10 hr push ups, 10 pull ups (band), 53/35
MVx: knee push ups, ring rows, 35/26, 40 sit ups
GOALS + GUIDANCE: Sweatfest time!! For forty minutes, set a pace you can maintain (do not sprint from the start) and try to hold onto it for all forty minutes. The 200 meters will take around :60, then chip away at hand-release push ups in sets of 5 reps with quick little breaks between sets (same with the pull ups.) The push ups may take :60 as well as the pull ups. Choose a heavier KB for the swings, which you may have to break into two sets. Recover on the sit ups (:90-2:00.) Target 5-6 rounds.