WOD – Fri, Mar 21
“Blade Bird” (Time)
5 Rounds
30 Double Unders
9/6 Calorie Bike
6 Power Cleans
Rest 1 Minute
MCx: 165/115
MAx: 10 attempts or ball slams, 135/85
MVx: 40 singles, 7/5 cals, 95/65
GOALS + GUIDANCE: This one is going to get gross! Spend :30 or less on the double unders. Try to go unbroken every round. Push your pace on the bike, completing the allotted calories in :30-:45 at most. Take one big breath to set your back/midlines before doing the cleans in two sets of three or three quick sets of two. Take one minute of rest before the start of a new round. Target 2 minutes per round, for a total of 14 minutes.