WOD – Wed, Mar 19
“In Ha Mood” (Time)
With a Partner
1 Mile Run
150 Squats
2k Row
150 Squats
1 Mile Run
MAx: 1200m run, 120 squats, 1600m row
MVx: 800m run, 100 squats, 1200m row
GOALS + GUIDANCE: Oh man this one is going to be fun! With a buddy, split the one mile run into 400s. As one person works, the other will rest. Target 8-ish minutes for the mile. Divide the air squats however you’d like, but keep the transition fast and the movement faster! Possibly stick with sets of 25 unless someone is slowing down, then do smaller sets. Divide the 2k row into 500 meter intervals to minimize transition time (10 min or less). THEN, race through the second half of the workout! Target 30 minutes (35 min cap).