WOD – Thu, Mar 13

“We Built This City” (Time)

8 Rounds
4 Toes to Bar
8 Box Jumps
16 Cal Row

MCx: 24″
MAx: knee up or pike up, 20″, 14 cals
MVx: 8 leg lifts or v-ups, 8 step ups 24/20, 12 cal row

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Small rep schemes + lots of rounds = a crowd pleaser! Keep your toes to bar unbroken for as long as possible. They will take about :12-:15. Walk to your box and immediately jump up, keeping a pace of about :03-:04 per reps. Then row the sixteen cals in :60-:75. If the row will take longer, scale to meet the time domain. Target 16 minutes.