WOD – Mon, Mar 10

“Ordinary” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

100 Double Unders
25 Thrusters
15 Pull Ups

MCx: 95/65
MAx: 30 attempts, 75/55, 8 pull ups (banded/strict)
MVx: 150 singles, 15 thrusters 55/35, 15 ring rows or jumping pull ups

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Strategically break the dubs into sets of 20-25 to manage your grip, and heart rate, and try to wrap them up in two minutes. Manage the thrusters by breaking them into sets of 15/10, and in later rounds 10/8/7. Break the pull ups into sets of 10/5 or 6/5/4 to again manage your grip. Target 3-4 rounds.