WOD – Thu, Mar 6

Romanian Deadlift (RDL) (GOALS + GUIDANCE: The Romanian deadlift targets the glutes and hamstrings, and takes your quads out of the movement. Coaches will help you build to a 8/10 effort which you’ll hold across for all four sets. )

“No Time” (5 Rounds for reps)

5 x on the 3 Minute
15/12 Cal Row
5 DB Hang Clean + Jerks
10 Squats
5 DB Hang Clean + Jerks

MCx: 50/35
MAx: 12/9 cals, 35/20
MVx: 9/6 cals, 25/15

GOALS + GUIDANCE: At the top of every round, complete the calorie bike in :60 or less, then do the first set of five db hang clean and jerks on ONE side. Place the dumbbell down for the ten air squats, and then use the other arm to complete the second set of five clean and jerks. The dumbbell movements and squats will take around :45, leaving you with just over a minute to rest. Push your pace, and record your 5 intervals.