WOD – Sat, Jan 4 “Exes”
Exes (Time)
40-30-20 DB Hang Clean+Jerk
800-600-400 Meter Run
40-30-20 Pull Ups
MCx: 50/35
MAx: 35/20, 20-15-10 pull ups (band)
MVx: 30-20-10 25/15, 600-400-200m, ring rows
WOD GOALS + GUIDANCE: Alternating sides, complete the designated number of db hang clean+jerks. Choose a db weight that you can move for at least 20 reps before breaking. The first and second runs, move at your 5k pace (7.5/10 effort) and the last run push your pace! The first run will take around four minutes, the second around three minutes and the last run about two minutes. To save your grip throughout the workout, break the pull ups into sets of 5-10 reps. Spend less than :60 for every set of 10 pull ups. Target 20-25 minutes.