5 x AMRAP 3
10 Burpees
15 Russian KB Swings
Max Calorie Row
Rest 1 Minute
Weight: 70/53
5 x AMRAP 3
10 Burpees
15 Russian KB Swings
Max Calorie Row
Rest 1 Minute
Weight: 53/35
5 x AMRAP 3
10 In+Out
15 Russian KB Swings
Max Calorie Row
Rest 1 Minute
Weight: 35/26
The faster you move the more cals you get! Move through the burpees in about :50. Choose a weight for the swings that is HEAVY and you may have to break in later rounds. Then in any remaining time (around :60-:90) row your heart out for max cals! You have one minutes to rest between intervals, which is plenty of time to get your heartrate down and compose yourself before you move again. Record total calories.
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