4 x 5+, building
4 x 5+, building
Front Squats
3×10, building
3×10, building
Heavy Day! Coaches will help you work up to a 8/10 effort for the first working set of strict press. You’ll then hold the same weight across. Reps three through five should feel spicy. On the final set, do as many reps as possible, five being the minimum! Remember to keep your legs locked and no arching backward. Take at least two minutes between sets so your arms are completely recovered. Record your weight and reps.
Then, it’s time to SQUAT! Coaches will help you build to around 7/10 effort for the first working set of TEN reps, then you’ll slightly build in weight for the remaining two sets ideally ending at 8/10 effort for the last set. Record your weight.