- Mon 11/11 Veteran’s Day: We will have classes at 6:30a, Open Gym at 7:30a, 8:30a and 5:30p classes ONLY!
3 Rounds
15 Squats
15 Deadbug
15 Glute Bridge
15 Curtsy Lunge (L)
15 Curtsy Lunge (R)
3 Rounds
15 Squats
15 Deadbug
15 Glute Bridge
15 Curtsy Lunge (L)
15 Curtsy Lunge (R)
Front Squats
3×5+, building
Tabata Side Plank
4 rounds on R-side
4 Rounds on L-side
Tabata Side Plank
4 rounds on R-side
4 Rounds on L-side
Together as a class, and for quality not time, you’ll move through the three rounds of the warm up. Rounds two and three, use a dumbbell and go up in weight on round three.
Then it’s HEAVY day! Coaches will help you build to around 7.5/10 effort for the first working set of five reps, then you’ll build in weight for the remaining two sets ideally ending at 8.5-9/10 effort for the last set. On the last set, do as many reps as possible (target 7 reps.) Every set should feel HEAVY, and require 2:00 of rest between sets. Range of motion and mechanics must be spot on.
To cash out, you’ll do tabata side plank holds. Complete four rounds on one side, then four rounds on the other.
Post Weight to Comments. Compare Scores HERE.