What is Self Care?
It’s the ACTIONS we take that mentally, physically and emotionally equip us to show up in life focused, engaged and operating at 100% capacity.
What is Showing Up?
It’s your outward behavior, body language (the way you stand, eye contact, facial expressions, etc.,) energy, attitude, presence, and interactions.
Why is this important?
A UCLA study showed that 93% of our impact in this world is directly correlated to how we “show up”. Meaning, if you are spending time (i.e. taking ACTION) on your mental, physical and emotional well being, you will have the capacity to positively influence (i.e. SHOW UP) for your tribe (friends, family, co-workers, community, etc.)
Think about it… when you get a good nights sleep, eat well, stay hydrated, and workout… you feel amazing, right?! You’ve got energy, you’re smiling, you’re making eye contact, you’re engaged. You’re likely to have more patience, confidence, and will often seek better, more meaningful connections with others.
And for over 10 years, Daybreak has always strived to be a piece of the self care puzzle. Now, we’re making self-care the focus of September.
For the month of September (1st-30th), your objective will be to put SELF CARE INTO ACTION. You will choose actions/habits under each self care category, and list them on your accountability worksheets (provided at the front desk.)
Once you complete an action/habit for the day, you’ll check it off. Eezy peezy. Choose actions that are slightly outside your comfort zone, but manageable for the month (ie: if you’re currently walking 3k steps per day, a manageable goal could be 4-5k steps per day, not 10k!)
Below is a list of the Self Care Categories and some examples of actions/habits you can create over the next month:
Grams of Protein
Cups of Fruits + Veggies
Meals vs. Snacks
Limit Processed Food/Alcohol
Ounces per day
Ounces Prior to Coffee
Routine Pre-Bed
Time Meditating
Time Read
Limit Scrolling
Compliment a Stranger
Tell Family You Love Them
Walk/Call Family or Friend
Express Appreciation
If you’d like help choosing habits, please ask a coach pre/post class.
Thank you Cassie Day, of All Day Fit, for inspiring Daybreak’s Self Care September. Cassie owns a gym in Canada, and teaches her trainers and clients about the importance of self care, and the impact it has on how we show up for ourselves, our family, our friends, and our community.