- TODAY Thu 8/15 – No Teens and No Noon Class
- Fri 8/16 – No 9:30a
- SUMMER SPIRIT FRIDAYSEvery Friday during the summer will be a “Spirit Day.” If you’d like to participate, have your gym attire reflect that day’s theme. Last year was a blast! You’ll see a few themes repeated, and some really great new ones!Fri 8/16 – Version of Your Former SelfFri 8/23 – Monochromatic Color BlockingFri 8/30 – Barbie
Front Squat
5-3-3-2, build
5-3-3-2, build
5 Rounds for QUALITY
30 Hollow Rocks
15 Dips
15 Landmine 1-Leg RDL
15 Landmine 1-Leg RDL
30 Hollow Rocks
15 Dips
15 Landmine 1-Leg RDL
15 Landmine 1-Leg RDL
HEAVY DAY! Coaches will help you build to around 8/10 effort for the first set of five reps. For the set of three, build to 8.5/10 effort, the next set of three a 9/10 effort, and the last set around 9.5/10 effort. Every set should feel HEAVY, and require 2:00 of rest between sets. Range of motion and mechanics must be spot on to increase in weight. Record your heaviest successful weight.
THEN, complete the bodybuilding exercises for quality not speed. The dips can be done on a bench, between boxes, or on the rings (with a band.) The landmine rdls are with a barbell, which you can add 5-25# to the end. Record modifications and weights.
Post Weights to Comments. Compare Scores HERE.