Every Friday during the summer will be a “Spirit Day.” If you’d like to participate, have your gym attire reflect that day’s theme. Last year was a blast! You’ll see a few themes repeated, and some really great new ones!
Fri 7/26 – School Spirit
Fri 8/2 – The Uniform (all black)
Fri 8/9 – Country vs. Country Club
Fri 8/2 – The Uniform (all black)
Fri 8/9 – Country vs. Country Club
Fri 8/16 – Version of Your Former Self
Fri 8/23 – Monochromatic Color Blocking
Fri 8/30 – Barbie
“Heat Waves”
10 Rounds
:90 on/:90 off
8 Hang Power Cleans
8 Burpees
8 Toes to Bar
Max Calorie Bike
Weight: 95/65
10 Rounds
:90 on/:90 off
8 Hang Power Cleans
8 Burpees
8 Knee Ups
Max Calorie Bike
Weight: 75/55
10 Rounds
:90 on/:90 off
6 Hang Power Cleans
6 In+Outs
6 Leg Lifts
Max Calorie Bike
Weight: 55/35
SPRINT time! Choose a LIGHT weight for the hang power cleans, and complete them unbroken every round. Drop right into 8 fast burpees, then try to complete the toes to bar unbroken for as long as possible. In the remaining time (:30 or so) bike as many calories as possible! Record your total calories.
Post Total Calories to Comments. Compare Scores HERE.